10 Situs have you join

Stepping college, needs someone will always increase. Especially if ngekos overseas. Not just food and shelter, the budget books and research assignments swell. At this rate, we are required of smart financial management.

Create a college student, do not worry. There are 10 sites that assist all your needs during college. Anything?

1. When the study overseas, students need extra pocket money. If this is you, Sribulancer.com is the answer!

Source image: karirlampung.com
Sribulancer are sites that bring together companies with casual workers. Because not bound freelance work hours, the site is highly recommended for you. You can choose the appropriate job category expertise. There are categories of websites, writing, design, business and marketing, and the development of mobile applications, as well as data entry.

2. If you want a job that is diverse, open StudentJob.co.id. In addition to freelance, job internships and part-time available.

Source image: studentjob.co.id
StudentJob.co.id have internship, parttime, and volunteer. You can also read his articles for the sake of improving skills.

3. When the paper comes the task, you can save time. Journal LIPI is the site for your reference.

Source image: lipi.go.id
This site provides a free journal! Although it looks simple, does not need a loss for the desired journal. Look in the search field and click the result. The next display, click the "complete archive" (under the "Author") or the number underneath.

So appears a row heading, click one. You will see the journal abstract. Just click "full text" in the lower left. If the manuscript was licensed open, journals directly downloaded to the PC.

4. In addition to the journal, LIPI provide digital books. You can download it free of charge.


Source image: lipi.go.id
More than 1,000 books can be downloaded for free in PDF format. Live search on the keyword books, click the title, click the "download PDF text" on the left. Done! Books automatically downloads to the storage folder.

5. Bukupedia.com not only provide a reference for a lecture course. You can buy books unconditional heavy imports.


Source image: anakui.com
Bukupedia.com have a large collection of books from various categories and E-book. Ranging from the economy, technology, literature, architecture and so on are also available. In addition, you also can buy imported books from Amazon with the rupiah currency and without a credit card. Interesting right?

6. If it is difficult to manage finance, try clicking LiveOlive.com. Not just college, the site is also important for long-term financial projections.


Source image: liveolive.com
The site with the tagline "Money Center", is actually intended for girls. But boys can try. For free application is very useful for financial projections between now and the future.

7. Increase scholarships create opportunity opened wider. PusatInformasiBeasiswa.com is a storehouse.

Source image: pusatinformasibeasiswa.com
PusatInformasiBeasiswa.com is a comprehensive site for you. Starting from the info scholarships S1, S2, S3, fellowships, scholarships non degree, until the job is available. The more exciting again as provided tips to get a scholarship dream.

8. Practice course "Research Methods"? From now on, make "Google Form" as respondents!

Source image: 65blogs.com
Before the Internet boom, surveys, questionnaires and questionnaires should be distributed manually. Thanks to the "Google Form", you just spread through the virtual world and get a larger response. Free!

Once a Gmail account, sign in to Google Form. Click "Start a new form", create titles, descriptions, questions, and answers according to the survey which was designed. Finished and spread!

9. You are learning a foreign language, would love Translate.com sites. This site makes you learn the pronunciation of foreign languages.

Source image: emergemedia.com
Currently, the site Translate.com already supported by 84 languages ​​in the world. Starting from English to Javanese. Interestingly, for a particular language, the translation was followed by audio. Of course, it helped to learn to spell unfamiliar words.

But keep in mind for languages ​​such as Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Korean, and Arabic. The language translation script writing involving the countries concerned, not with Roman characters.

10. kosmu Lease runs out? You will not confuse find where that opened Cari-Kos.com!

Source image: cari-kos.com
Create a college kid who ngekos, this site would have been very helpful. Moreover, if the lease boarding exhausted and had to move. So far, the Search-kos Kos have data in Java, Sumatra, and Bali. You agree to rent a house with friends or relatives, may also seek information rent.

How? Hopefully the site helpful before ya for you! You have any info other sites? Write in the comments, yuk!
10 Situs have you join 10 Situs have you join Reviewed by Unknown on 10:44 Rating: 5

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