San francisco debt to the founder of Apple

For ordinary people, Steve Jobs is known as the founder of Apple has the same rights and obligations on other Waga in San Fracisco, US

Since five years after his death, not supposed to steve do not have the right to the excess receipts parker in the local area

According to Kompas Tekno, city located in the US West Coast has 174 US dollars debt to Steve.

Who unexpectedly, payment of parking tickets in San Francisco resembles a refill. Motorists must purchase a voucher for a nominal amount corresponding time parker

It was observed between 1995 and 2012, there are some people who pay more obligations than rights ..

The results of this study in the form of excess money in the accounts parker incoming SF.

Residents were given the opportunity samapai specific time limits for claiming a chargeback. If nothing is done, the money will be automatically entered into the state treasury
For the case of Jobs, where money 174 dollars that should lead to? There is no further explanation of this matter.
San francisco debt to the founder of Apple San francisco debt to the founder of Apple Reviewed by Unknown on 11:44 Rating: 5

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